Applications for health care greatly facilitate medical care and increase the efficiency of interaction between medical staff and patients. But more is needed to have a developed medical application; it is essential to know its degree of performance, which satisfies the given requirements and meets users’ needs. There are specific performance indicators to understand this.

General information about medical applications

The modern electronic sphere actively interacts with healthcare institutions through medical mobile applications, allowing you to provide many medical services to patients quickly. Therefore, the number of providers in the medical field is increasing every day, and the user audience is expanding. All this contributes to greater accessibility and efficiency of medical care.

Many medical applications allow you to remotely make an appointment with a doctor and get the necessary advice online. There are information applications (medical libraries) that are useful for medical staff and patients, where you can find much of the required information.

Each functionality of the healthcare application has an individual timeout option. It, in combination, affects the overall performance of the developed products, so it is necessary to know the values of various indicators that affect the overall performance of a medical application. Product performance directly affects the size of the user audience and demand. Developers of such mobile healthcare applications should have the appropriate certification and relevant development experience. Learn more about this type of company on the website.

Consider the leading indicators to track

Let’s list the most important indicators for measuring the performance of a medical application. These indicators must be monitored.

Number of installed applications

Tracking how often the application has been downloaded to a mobile device is necessary. Thus, you can determine whether this number has increased or decreased compared to the previous month. If there is a systematic decrease in installations, then gently direct efforts to promote products.

Duration of product use

This metric lets you know the average session time when using the app. Therefore, any fluctuations in this indicator allow us to determine the cause of these changes.

Number of screen views

It is possible to determine how many application screens interacted per session. It is important when optimizing the developed products.

Retention rate

Thanks to this coefficient, it is possible to find out how many consumers of the product returned to the medical application after the initial use. In addition, it determines that the remaining share of the percent are users who once applied for the application.

Number of regular customers

Determining the number of users who systematically use the application after installation is possible. Gradation can be done for any period: week, month, quarter, or half a year.

What options do consumers use most often?

Thanks to event monitoring, it is possible to find out what actions consumers take when using health apps:

  • search for a specialist;
  • determine the location (clinic, hospital, pharmacy);
  • make an appointment to see a doctor or for an examination;
  • entrance to the portal.

But the main advantage for the client is that medicine becomes more accessible because they can make an appointment with a doctor with just a few clicks on their smartphone.

User Satisfaction

These are essential indicators to find out how satisfied consumers are with the products they use:

  • product rating, which allows you to find out the popularity of the application among consumers (it is not superfluous to get acquainted with the posted reviews, thanks to which you will become aware of the existing problems of the product that need to be corrected);
  • touch maps – allow you to find out the place where consumers touch the screen, to detect violations of the application (detect areas that are not product contact interactions);
  • consumer feedback is a unique tool that allows you to survey the user audience to determine the opinion and effectiveness of using a medical application.

This set of indicators will reproduce the overall picture of customer satisfaction.

Product performance level

The overall performance of a medical application includes the following metrics:

  • disruption of performance – this indicator must be monitored (frequency of involuntary closing of applications or non-response to a specific request);
  • the speed of downloading and product operation – if the application is slow to start and function, then the consumer will stop using it, which means that the rating of the created products will significantly decrease;
  • latency in requesting and responding from the API – if this indicator exceeds the established norm, the user audience will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, the above metrics must be monitored since they directly relate to the average application performance.


These indicators make it possible to determine how effectively the developed medical application functions. It is necessary not only to control these indicators but also to strive to eliminate the resulting failures in the operation of products as soon as possible. It will keep the rating of the medical application in the first lines and expand the user audience. After all, the more comfortable it is to use the application, the more popularity and distribution it will receive.

When you have complete information about all the key indicators that affect performance, it will be much easier to eliminate the identified shortcomings in the developed products. It is essential to stop violations in the functioning of the medical application promptly so that the consumer audience stays the same over a long period. For example, if you find specific bugs while running an application, you can fix them before the next updated version is released. In addition, you can spread the word that the new version has become more adapted and productive compared to the previous version. The usage and return rate will increase significantly when users realize the problems have been fixed.
